Hello! 👋🏽 I’m Karena.



Dr. Karena J. Heyward is a dedicated Counselor Educator with a passion for training and mentoring the next generation of mental health counselors. She holds a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision, an MEd in Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling, and a BS in Psychology, equipping her with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of mental health. Dr. Heyward integrates anti-racist, anti-oppressive, developmental, somatic and liberation psychology perspectives into her work, striving to create systemic change in both education and counseling. In addition to her academic role, she runs a consulting practice, Head to Heart, LLC and she supervises counseling residents towards licensure through Virginia Telemental Health Institute. She is incredibly grateful that her career allows her to hold space for students and supervisees where they can remember their true essence, connect with their intuition, and practice fierce self-celebration. Her work emerges from a place of safety, collaboration, and authenticity.

In her free time, she’s a loving partner and a devoted dog mom. She’s also a certified plant enthusiast, a Lego lover, and an avid traveler. She enjoys exploring the magic of life and delving into dream interpretation, astrology, tarot cards, and studying ATRs/ADRs. As someone whose first word was, “shit”, Dr. Heyward is known for her “colorful” language and frequent use of f-bombs. She values safety and authenticity in all her interactions, and if you’re lucky enough to be her friend, you’re part of her family.


As someone who deeply cares about social justice, I’m against hate and discrimination in all its forms. Our society in the United States is built on a system that’s based on profit, power, and privilege. Many people are fighting hard to be heard, to feel good about themselves, to get the resources they need, and to have policies that are fair.

Psychotherapy has a history of being rooted in colonialism and abuse of power. The profession I love has caused a lot of harm to many vulnerable people. So, I’m committed to doing ongoing work to decolonize my ways of being and to lessen the chance that I perpetuate this harm going forward. This means exploring, talking about, and challenging the colonial attitudes, assumptions, and “norms” in our country. Am I perfect? No. Will I fuck up? Yes.

As a bi-racial, Black, multicultural, educated, English-speaking, able-bodied, Queer, cisgender female, I’m well aware of my spectrum of experiences with privilege. At all costs, in the contexts where I have privilege, I aim to use it to invoke social change.

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